In the heart of Waveney Valley

Pulham Market Parish Council

Pulham Market Parish Council usually meets at 7.30pm on the second Monday of every month in the meeting room of the Memorial Hall. There are nine councillors who are resident in the village and serve in a voluntary capacity, plus a parish clerk/responsible financial officer who is a part-time paid official employed by the council.

The council’s responsibilities include the provision and maintenance of some street lighting, the playing field and its pavilion and play equipment, the Green, the Memorial Hall car park, grass cutting and maintenance of some verges, hedges and the recycling facility.

It also comments on any planning applications in the parish which are put before the local planning authority, South Norfolk Council, and it reviews proposed legislation where it is likely to have a local impact and responds to both local and national consultations on behalf of the parish.

It owns, manages and maintains the Pulham Market Burial Ground for use by parishioners. The council also owns the Memorial Hall, although the building is managed by the Memorial Hall trustees, a registered charity. The council provides and maintains litter bins, dog bins and grit bins, benches and some sign-posts.

Councillors are also proactive in promoting the community’s interests, for example holding public meetings on important issues, providing a website giving useful information on the village and representing Pulham Market on other forums.

All this is paid for through the parish precept which is collected from local residents by South Norfolk Council as part of the council tax charge.


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