In the heart of Waveney Valley

Harleston & District u3a

11th April 2023

invites you to join us for our monthly talk, on Wednesday 17 May at 2.00 pm in St John’s Church, Harleston IP20 9AZ.  Our speaker is Ben Witchell, Director of the Flint Vineyard near Bungay, which he founded in 2016 after completing a degree in oenology and viticulture in Sussex and then learning the winemaking ropes in France, California and Greece. The vineyard has gained a reputation for producing some of the best English wines, using innovative methods to push the boundaries of what is possible in the UK.  Further information about this and all Harleston & District u3a’s activities is on our website or by contacting Kim Poulton on 01986 788149.  And you might also like to take a look at Harleston Choral Society’s website to find out more about another thriving local organisation.

Last modified: 11th April 2023

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