In the heart of Waveney Valley

Public Notice from Norfolk County Council

23rd October 2023

Ref: PLA351/HI/S1/P12/HK

For immediate release

23 October 2023

Pulham Market, Tattlepot Road – Local Member funded drainage works

Tattlepot Road in Pulham Market will be closed for two weeks from October 23 for necessary drainage works, the work will be outside Selwyn Court, and there will be a signed diversion route for the entirety of the work.

The diversion route is as follows: Tattlepot Road, Bank Street, The Green, Station Road, Semere Lane, A140 Ipswich Road, Tivertshall Road.

The County Council thanks people for their patience while this drainage improvement work is carried out.

The work which will cost £20,150 will be carried out by Norfolk County Council’s Community and Environmental Services Department and their contractors.

For further information

Gary Overland, Highway Engineer, 0344 800 8020.

Up-to-date information about roadworks in Norfolk is available on the County Council website at

If you need this report in large print, audio, Braille, alternative format or in a different language please contact 0344 800 8020 and ask for Sharon Sage or textphone 0344 800 8011 and we will do our best to help.

Last modified: 31st October 2023

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