In the heart of Waveney Valley

Norfolk County Council proposes to make a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (the “Order”) (STRO10904) affecting the B1134 Long Row from its junction with C350 Cherry Tree Road for 2600m eastwards (the “Road”) in the Parish of Tibenham to facilitate Norfolk County Council surface dressing preparatory works, the Road will be temporarily closed (except for pedestrian access) for the duration of the works/period the closure is necessary which is anticipated to be between 19:00 and 05:00 from 4th to 8th June 2024, but may continue to be closed/restricted until the 20th July 2024 where the closure is still required beyond the anticipated dates.

23rd May 2024

Norfolk County Council proposes to make a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (the “Order”) (STRO10904) affecting the B1134 Long Row from its junction with C350 Cherry Tree Road for 2600m eastwards(the ‘Road’) in the Parish of Tibenham to facilitate Norfolk County Council surface dressing preparatory works, the Road will be temporarily closed (except for pedestrian access) for the duration of the works/period the closure is necessary which is anticipated to be between 19:00 and 05:00 from 4th to 8th June 2024, but may continue to be closed/restricted until the 20th July 2024 where the closure is still required beyond the anticipated dates.

Last modified: 23rd May 2024

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