Pulham Market Horticultural Society
Pulham Market Horticultural Society held their first show in 1927 and has continued to be a friendly Society aimed at amateur gardeners. Plants enhance the quality of life. Plants help heal the Earth and positively impact the environment. Gardens and gardeners positively impact neighbourhoods and communities.
Membership of The Pulham Market Horticultural Society not only provides opportunities to learn techniques or contribute expertise in shared interests but also to meet socially and enjoy the company of others at society meetings and other events. These may include attending talks presented by specialist speakers, creative participation in competitions, visits to places of horticultural or general interest, a BBQ and occasional joint meetings with other societies. If you are not a member and would like further information, please contact us. Our Chairman, is Alan Thorp and he can be contacted via email or via tel: 01379 608707.
Membership is looked after by our Treasurer George Smee, he can be contacted via Tel: 01379 608842, or you can email with your details, Name, address, telephone number and email plus a cheque for £5.00 per person made payable to Pulham Market Horticultural Society.
Meetings – We welcome both members and non-members to our Spring and Autumn meetings where we have a Table Show plus speaker or other entertainment, and our main Show in July each year. The many exhibits at our Summer Show are open for the public to view during an enjoyable and well attended afternoon. Only paid up members may exhibit at the shows. A raffle will be held for added enjoyment.
All meetings take place in the Pulham Market Memorial Hall.
Come and find out how to really make your garden grow & support your local Horticultural Society.